Virtual number

What is a Virtual Phone Number?

Content production team 2023/07/17
What is a Virtual Phone Number?

How Virtual Numbers Revolutionize Business Communication?

An extensive manual for company owners seeking additional details regarding virtual phone numbers. The UK's landline network will be replaced with a digital network by December 2025. While you may do business using a cell phone, a more intelligent choice exists that is dynamic, affordable, and equipped with tools to expand your company: virtual phone lines!

This in-depth guide to virtual phone numbers will cover all you need to know to select one for your company, including what virtual numbers are, how they operate, how they vary from conventional phones, and more. Join us in SMS online for more!

What is a virtual phone number?

A single, stationary device—a landline or a mobile phone—is connected to traditional phones. A virtual phone number is distinct since it isn't connected to any specific real object or place.

Callers are connected to virtual phone numbers over the Internet. Any incoming call or message is forwarded to a pre-determined line, a landline, a mobile phone, or a VoIP-capable device. It implies that any place and any connected device may be used to operate a virtual number.

You may configure it to receive calls and messages on your tablet, laptop, VoIP device, or mobile phone. The device and the time it receives calls are up to you. One of the key factors contributing to the popularity of virtual numbers is their improved portability.

How to use virtual phone numbers?

While mobile phone calls travel over the cell network, landlines use the actual cable network. The call from a virtual phone number is sent via the Internet. The phone number comes from the cloud and is connected to one the user already has. They are also referred to as cloud phones for this reason.

A virtual number works with VoIP to give businesses a location-independent business phone system. These phones may be used when traveling, at home, or from the office. You don't need to purchase an additional gadget to use a virtual phone number. Any connected gadget of yours can utilize it.

Traditional vs. virtual phone numbers!

Digital technologies are replacing outdated systems across all industries. Since they are already reinventing telecommunications, virtual phone numbers are expected to rise and penetrate new markets. It will be easier to understand why virtual phone numbers are so prevalent than regular ones.

You must invest in the necessary infrastructure to obtain a traditional phone number for your company. To connect devices, the building will need telephone connections. You must pay for their upkeep in addition to the upfront fees.

The user doesn't need to provide any infrastructure to use a virtual phone number. The service provider will host the program and the data backup. There must be more upkeep since there is no cable network or gear.

It's impossible to add or remove users using standard phone numbers. A new device, extension, or number would be required to accommodate a new user. It takes a lot of time and costs money. You can add or remove users using a virtual phone number without contacting the service provider.

The functional distinction is still another significant one. All you can do with a typical landline is make and receive calls. Call forwarding and other essential functions are available with on-premise PBX (Private Branch Exchange), but the setup costs are high.

There are numerous solutions with virtual phone lines to enhance communication and expand your business. You can monitor and control your communication to advance essential functions like customer service. Some virtual phone lines also can automate processes, lowering expenses and boosting marketing.

Virtual phone numbers, as opposed to traditional phone networks, allow businesses the capability of SMS marketing. For instance, you can send marketing messages to groups of clients using group broadcasts, saving your costs and increasing efficiency.

Additionally rigid are conventional phone networks. They confine you to a single device or location and make scaling challenging. As your company expands, you must grant more employees access to your business phone. With traditional phones, this entails purchasing new hardware and SIM cards and waiting for installation.

If you have a virtual number, you may quickly add team members via your dashboard. Even distant workers can be added immediately and provided the required features and access. You can share your virtual numbers with some carriers. All of these greatly enhance teamwork.

various virtual phone number types

Businesses can utilize one of three types of virtual phone numbers:

Local numbers: These have area codes and are based in certain localities. These are useful to connect your company with a specific location to win over customers.
Freephone numbers: They can be called for free using these numbers, which begin with specific codes. They can be used in marketing initiatives to produce leads or customer service.

Vanity numbers: To increase brand recognition for your company, you can purchase distinctive and memorable numbers like 1-800-AUTO.
You may port your number as well. Some virtual number providers may also carry your current number. Doing this lets you update your marketing materials without spending money telling your clients about the change.

A virtual phone number's advantage

Why are independent contractors, sole proprietors, and companies of all sizes switching from landlines to virtual phone numbers? Because they offer these observable advantages:

Simple to set up

A standard phone system requires devices, additional hardware, and a physical network. You require unique SIMs or equipment even if you use a mobile phone for business. These are all pricey and inconvenient. Additionally, you require trained personnel to maintain the PBX system.

Like any other app, a virtual phone number can be downloaded to your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or VoIP-enabled device. You don't need a representative from the provider to get started because they are simple to set up. You can get a different number for customer service in minutes.

lower prices

Owning and maintaining conventional phone systems is expensive. You must pay for upkeep in addition to the tools and equipment. Since virtual phone numbers don't need extra hardware, they are affordable, especially for small enterprises, startups, and independent contractors.

Due to the lower rates associated with virtual numbers, the operational costs are similarly low. If your company makes long-distance or international calls, switching to a virtual phone number will result in significant savings. Additionally, adding or removing options is simple, and you are not charged for features you don't use.

Integrated communication

One of the main benefits of virtual phone lines is that they facilitate communication integration inside your company. No matter where they are, all your employees can use the same number. In the era of remote labor, this gives consumers and clients the appearance of a cohesive office.

With the help of your virtual phone number, you can set up and manage your text marketing campaign. Additionally, virtual phone numbers offer helpful information that can assist you in improving critical areas. So, you can manage client calls, run a marketing campaign, and enhance collaboration, all from the same platform.


When you start utilizing a virtual phone number for business, you'll immediately realize that it allows you the flexibility to accept calls from anywhere. You can be at home, at work, or somewhere else. Customers and team colleagues can reach you with a steady internet connection.

Why does this improved mobility matter? Your distributed team may work as a cohesive unit as remote and hybrid work become more commonplace. Second, if you combine work and communication, a digital-first company might not even need an office. Finally, having remote-friendly technology makes it simpler to hire staff.


You should know exactly how many phone lines you'll need before opening a business. Similarly, you might not give the new lines your company will need any thought before expanding your small firm. If you have a virtual phone number, getting a new number when you need, one will be much simpler.

There's no need to invest in additional hardware and software or bother about installing it. You can quickly receive a new number by upgrading your plan or using your dashboard. This makes it simple to include remote workers and provide them with their needed capabilities.

Business equipment

Traditional phone systems only have a few features. If you previously relied on a business landline or mobile phone, you must realize the need for additional functions. You only realize how many tools a virtual phone number can offer once you switch to one.

A virtual number gives you a dedicated number that you may use for business calls and messages if you have been using your phone for work. This enhances your online security and separates business and personal communications. Additionally, you receive number sharing, call waiting, call forwarding, auto-reply, call waiting, and group broadcast. All of these will boost productivity and increase company communication.

ready for BYOD

Companies are increasingly adopting BYOD, or bring-your-device, policies to empower workers. Employee communication is facilitated by operating on familiar devices without the company having to purchase new ones. Virtual phone numbers are ideal for this transformation since they may be used on any device.

An organization must only provide a new virtual number and system access when a new employee joins. There is little need to submit receipts for reimbursement because keeping track of their phone expenses is simple. Similarly, when they depart, the business can easily withdraw their access and remove them from the system.

Virtual phone numbers' drawbacks

The main drawbacks of virtual phone numbers are two. One has to do with consumption, the other with infrastructure.

The Internet is essential!
Your internet connection will affect how clear your calls sound. You can suffer lost calls if it's weak. The transmission and unpacking of digital packets will take longer if the network is congested, which can cause latency and jitter. So, to utilize your virtual number, you must have a dependable internet connection.

Avoid 'work creep.'

But having a virtual phone number makes you always reachable. You will be able to be reached whether you are at home or work. Unless you establish working hours for your company and turn on auto-reply for times when you can't answer calls, this might interfere with work-life balance.

the essential characteristics of a virtual phone number

Instead of a collection of complex features that will make your firm more complicated, you want tools that help streamline its operations. But regardless of the industry you work in, your virtual number has to have the following characteristics.

Organize your contacts individually to keep your personal and professional life apart. It will be simpler to retrieve their calls and texts as a result.
Missed calls may lose you clients and money, auto-reply. But not if you set up an auto-reply and send pre-written SMS. You may also do this to divide your personal and professional life.

Call forwarding

If you are currently on a call, you may use call forwarding to transfer an incoming call to another number. In this manner, your clients can always contact a team member for assistance.


It should be possible for callers to leave a voicemail. The voicemail may be transcribed by some virtual phone service providers and sent to you as a text or email.
Number sharing

With the help of this tool, your team may exchange virtual phone numbers. Another can replace a team member who can only accept calls if they interfere with client management or customer service.

Text marketing

All virtual phone numbers provide you with the bare minimum of features. But you should seek companies who will supply you with better messaging if you want to boost consumer acquisition and engagement.

Modernized virtual phone number formats

Finding out if a technology, exemplary, or service has improved over time is a wise analysis method. Unlike conventional phone systems, virtual phone numbers have continuously improved to become more user-friendly, adaptable, and economical.

They were reliant on technology!

Initially, you needed a VoIP-capable gadget if you wanted a virtual number. For small firms, in particular, this was a costly venture. However, virtual phones eventually followed the trend of other technology and moved to the cloud.

They are no longer device-specific!

You may rapidly obtain a virtual phone number by downloading the app of a VoIP service. You may install and use it on any connected device, like an instant messaging app. The availability, quickness, and adaptability of virtual phone numbers have all risen as a result.

Some are reserved for the big men!

Medium and big businesses can use VoIP services from companies like Cisco and Avaya. Customer service personnel may use cutting-edge capabilities like real-time sentiment analysis and contact center help.

Others concentrate on small enterprises!

SMS online is well-liked by startups, small companies, independent contractors, and sole proprietors since it offers all they require at reasonable prices. No intricate and legally binding contracts or complex features could be clarified for smaller teams. VoIP is done quickly and effectively. 

The best way to select a virtual phone number

Clarifying your communication requirements would be helpful before choosing a virtual phone number. 
•    How many phone calls do you make and receive each day?
•    Are you going to introduce a product?
•    Do you make international or long-distance calls?
•    Will you require a local number if you are opening a new office?
•    To increase client engagement, do you require text marketing?
•    For your marketing campaign, do you require a new number?
Once you know your requirements, remember the following while selecting a virtual phone number.
Easy setup and operation

Ensure that it is simple to set up and operate. You shouldn't need to contact the VoIP provider or IT staff to start, add, or delete features.

The virtual number ought to offer good value for the money. It would be best if you only were required to pay for the features you use and have a budget-friendly plan that matches your usage.

Support for customers

There should be specialized customer assistance for your virtual number. If you have to search internet discussion boards for solutions, your service can be interrupted.
Gaining access to a virtual phone number

When choosing a virtual phone number, the first thing to select is whether you want a local, toll-free, or vanity number. Your communication and marketing needs will answer that question.

Remember that some virtual number providers also permit you to port your number. This may be the best choice for you if your clients are accustomed to your phone number, and changing it would be pricey.

Free virtual phone numbers are available, such as Google Voice. But they need business characteristics. They are infamous for providing poor customer service as well.
You can add a virtual phone number to your plan if you already have a VoIP system. Or you might get a VoIP phone with a subscription plan and a virtual number. However, purchasing a virtual number from one of the best providers is the simplest option.

For instance, with SMS online, all you have to do to receive a second number is download the app, create a new account, and wait a few minutes without spending money on new hardware or devices.

SMS online: The virtual number for contemporary companies!

Numerous virtual phone numbers were created for regular consumers or medium- and large-sized businesses. However, one was created to support freelancers, startups, and small businesses. SMS online, then.

With SMS online, you receive a second line for business use, similar to other virtual phone lines, but that's just the beginning. Finding your connections' calls and messages would be simpler if you organized your contacts and their communication. This aids in separating your personal and professional lives. Your virtual number can also be shared. This enhances teamwork and client service. Group broadcast and sophisticated chat are included with SMS online to boost your marketing!